Palmela, Palmela
Terreno em Palmela
400.000 €
Terreno rustico com viabilidade de construcao, de acordo com a informacao recolhida na Camara Municipal de Palmela, e da analise do respectivo PDM, o terreno tera viabilidade para ser loteado ou para a construcao de um condominio de moradias. Cerca de 11.000m2 do terreno para espacos urbanizaveis, que deve permitir a construcao de 10 moradias de 2 pisos. Nos restantes 11.000m2 para espaco agro-florestal que permite construcao para habitacao ate 400m2. O concelho de Palmela, com 461 km2, e o mais extenso da Area Metropolitana de Lisboa. Localiza-se numa posicao central da Peninsula de Setubal, entre tres das mais importantes areas protegidas nacionais o Parque Natural da Arrabida (PNA), a Reserva Natural do Estuario do Sado (RNES) e a Reserva Natural do Estuario do Tejo (RNET). Rustic land with feasibility of construction, according to the information collected at the Municipality of Palmela, and the analysis of the respective PDM, the land will be viable to be subdivided or for the construction of a condominium of villas. Around 11,000m2 of land for urbanizable spaces, which should allow the construction of 10 2-storey houses. In the remaining 11,000m2 for agro-forestry space that allows construction for housing up to 400m2. The municipality of Palmela, with 461 km2, is the largest in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. It is located in a central position on the Setubal Peninsula, between three of the most important national protected areas the Arrabida Natural Park (PNA), the Sado Estuary Natural Reserve (RNES) and the Tagus Estuary Natural Reserve (RNET) .
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  • Área Útil 26.250m²
Odivelas, UDF De Ramada E Canecas
Escritório >=T10 em Ramada
650.000 €
Excelente e amplo espaco para servicos ou comercio, distribuido por 2 pisos, com uma grande area vidrada para o exterior, com caixilhos com vidro duplo e um grande terraco de uso exclusivo da fracao, com cerca de 140 m2, que circunda uma boa area de todo o escritorio. Situado a cerca de 15 minutos de Lisboa, na Ramada, no concelho de Odivelas o edificio com cerca de 7 anos, encontra-se inserido numa urbanizacao de construcao recente e com bons acessos. Atualmente ao servico duma empresa tecnologica dispoe de instalacao de ar condicionado por condutas, polo tecnico e zona tecnica no terraco superior ao escritorio. No piso 0 existem 3 entradas distintas para o espaco que esta atualmente dividido da seguinte forma: 1 Sala de reunioes com 31 m2 1 sala de formacao com 63 m2 3 salas de trabalho open space com as seguintes dimensoes: 1 com 98 m2 1 com 38 m2 1 com 31 m2 8 gabinetes com as seguintes dimensoes: 1 com 21 m2 1 com 17 m2 1 com 12 m2 3 com 11 m2 1 com 9 m2 1 com 8 m2 1 copa com 6 m2 2 vestiarios/wc com 11 m2 Wc com lavabo partilhado e duas instalacoes sanitarias com entradas independentes. 2 espacos de arrumos com 11 m2, cada. No piso -1 existe um open space com 103 m2 e a porta de acesso direto aos lugares de estacionamento que se situam no mesmo piso. Este espaco pode ser utilizado conforme se encontra atualmente dividido, bem como ser adaptado para outros negocios uma vez que esta licenciado para comercio e servicos. Nao perca esta oportunidade para iniciar ou expandir o seu negocio e agende ja a sua visita. ========================================= Excellent and large space for services or commerce, spread over 2 floors, with a large glazed area to the outside, with double-glazed frames and a large terrace for the exclusive use of the property, measuring around 140 m2, which surrounds a good area of the entire office. Located about 15 minutes from Lisbon, in Ramada, in the municipality of Odivelas, the building, which is around 7 years old, is located in a recently built urbanization with good access. Currently working for a technology company, it has the installation of ducted air conditioning, a technical center and a technical area on the terrace above the office. On floor 0 there are 3 distinct entrances to the space which is currently divided as follows: 1 Meeting room with 31 m2 1 training room with 63 m2 3 open space work rooms with the following dimensions: 1 with 98 m2 1 with 38 m2 1 with 31 m2 8 cabinets with the following dimensions: 1 with 21 m2 1 with 17 m2 1 with 12 m2 3 with 11 m2 1 with 9 m2 1 with 8 m2 1 pantry with 6 m2 2 changing rooms/WC with 11 m2 Wc with shared toilet and two toilets with independent entrances. 2 storage spaces with 11 m2 each. On floor -1 there is an open space measuring 103 m2 and the door providing direct access to the parking spaces located on the same floor. This space can be used as it is currently divided, as well as being adapted for other businesses as it is licensed for commerce and services. Don't miss this opportunity to start or expand your business and schedule your visit now. Excellent and large space for services or commerce, spread over 2 floors, with a large glazed area to the outside, with double-glazed frames and a large terrace for the exclusive use of the property, measuring around 140 m2, which surrounds a good area of the entire office. Located about 15 minutes from Lisbon, in Ramada, in the municipality of Odivelas, the building, which is around 7 years old, is located in a recently built urbanization with good access. Currently working for a technology company, it has the installation of ducted air conditioning, a technical center and a technical area on the terrace above the office. On floor 0 there are 3 distinct entrances to the space which is currently divided as follows: 1 Meeting room with 31 m2 1 training room with 63 m2 3 open space work rooms with the following dimensions: 1 with 98 m2 1 with 38 m2 1 with 31 m2 8 cabinets with the following dimensions: 1 with 21 m2 1 with 17 m2 1 with 12 m2 3 with 11 m2 1 with 9 m2 1 with 8 m2 1 pantry with 6 m2 2 changing rooms/WC with 11 m2 Wc with shared toilet and two toilets with independent entrances. 2 storage spaces with 11 m2 each. On floor -1 there is an open space measuring 103 m2 and the door providing direct access to the parking spaces located on the same floor. This space can be used as it is currently divided, as well as being adapted for other businesses as it is licensed for commerce and services. Don't miss this opportunity to start or expand your business and schedule your visit now. Excellent et spacieux espace pour services ou commerce, reparti sur 2 etages, avec une grande surface vitree vers l'exterieur, avec des cadres a double vitrage et une grande terrasse a l'usage exclusif de la propriete, mesurant environ 140 m2, qui entoure une bonne surface. de tout le bureau. Situe a environ 15 minutes de Lisbonne, a Ramada, dans la municipalite d'Odivelas, le batiment, age d'environ 7 ans, est situe dans une urbanisation de construction recente avec un bon acces. Travaillant actuellement pour une entreprise technologique, il dispose de l'installation d'une climatisation gainable, d'un centre technique et d'un espace technique sur la terrasse au dessus du bureau. A l'etage 0, il y a 3 entrees distinctes dans l'espace qui est actuellement reparti comme suit : 1 salle de reunion de 31 m2 1 salle de formation de 63 m2 3 salles de travail a aire ouverte aux dimensions suivantes : 1 avec 98 m2 1 avec 38 m2 1 avec 31 m2 8 armoires aux dimensions suivantes : 1 avec 21 m2 1 avec 17 m2 1 avec 12 m2 3 avec 11 m2 1 avec 9 m2 1 avec 8 m2 1 cellier de 6 m2 2 vestiaires/WC de 11 m2 Wc avec WC commun et deux WC avec entrees independantes. 2 espaces de stockage de 11 m2 chacun. A l'etage -1 se trouve un espace ouvert de 103 m2 et la porte donnant un acces direct aux places de parking situees au meme etage. Cet espace peut etre utilise tel qu'il est actuellement divise, ainsi qu'etre adapte pour d'autres entreprises car il est agree pour le commerce et les services. Ne manquez pas cette opportunite de demarrer ou de developper votre entreprise et planifiez votre visite des maintenant.
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  • Área Útil 577m²
Peniche, Atouguia Da Baleia
Apartamento T3 em Atouguia da Baleia
185.000 €
Invista num imovel numa das mais belas praias da zona oeste. Descubra uma oportunidade unica de investimento na deslumbrante Praia da Consolacao, em Peniche, a cerca de 45 minutos de Lisboa! Este incrivel imovel oferece uma experiencia unica para quem gosta de praia com proximidade da vida no campo. Tera facil acesso a uma das praias mais deslumbrantes da regiao, pois esta apenas a 10 minutos a pe da Praia da Consolacao. Desfrute de longos dias de sol, atividades aquaticas e relaxamento a beira-mar. Alem das praias de areia dourada, tera acesso a uma variedade de opcoes de lazer nas proximidades, incluindo restaurantes, bares, surf, trilhas, golf, equitacao e muito mais. Podera ainda maximizar o seu investimento com a possibilidade de alugar o imovel, proporcionando uma excelente fonte de receita. Este imovel esta inserido num condominio localizado na avenida principal da Praia da Consolacao. E um T2 de origem com aproveitamento do ultimo piso onde atualmente existe uma suite, transformando a tipologia em T3, distribuida por 3 pisos. No piso de entrada temos a sala, cozinha, despensa e wc social. Subindo ao primeiro andar encontramos dois quartos com armarios, um wc completo com banheira, e o acesso ao sotao onde encontramos a suite. Possui ainda o acesso direto a um terraco do condominio atraves duma porta na cozinha, com duas churrasqueiras onde pode confraternizar com amigos e familia. Atraves do terraco tem acesso direto a garagem do imovel com 27 m2, em box. O imovel e vendido completamente mobilado e equipado com eletrodomesticos e televisao. Este e o momento perfeito para investir numa casa de praia com a possibilidade de obter um rendimento, e sempre que desejar usufruir do espaco para si. Invista no seu futuro, invista na Praia da Consolacao, em Peniche! ======================== Invest in a property on one of the most beautiful beaches in the west coast of Portugal Discover a unique investment opportunity on the stunning Praia da Consolacao, in Peniche, approximately 45 minutes from Lisbon! This incredible property offers a unique experience for those who enjoy the beach with proximity to country life. You will have easy access to one of the most stunning beaches in the region, as it is just a 10-minute walk from Praia da Consolacao. Enjoy long days of sunshine, water activities and relaxation by the sea. In addition to the golden sand beaches, you will have access to a variety of leisure options nearby, including restaurants, bars, surf, trails, golf, horse riding and much more. You can also maximize your investment by renting the proporty providing an excellent source of income. This property is located in a condominium located on the main avenue of Praia da Consolacao. It is an original T2 with use of the top floor where there is currently a suite, transforming the typology into T3, spread over 3 floors. On the entrance floor we have the living room, kitchen, pantry and guest bathroom. Going up to the first floor we find two bedrooms with closets, a complete bathroom with bathtub, and access to the attic where we find the suite. It also has direct access to the condominium's terrace through a door in the kitchen, with two barbecue areas where you can socialize with friends and family. Through the terrace you have direct access to the property's 27 m2 garage, in a box. The property is sold fully furnished and equipped with appliances and television. This is the perfect time to invest in a beach house with the possibility of earning an income, and whenever you want to enjoy the space for yourself. For more information and to schedule a visit, contact us right now! Invest in your future, invest in Praia da Consolacao, in Peniche! ================ Investissez dans une propriete sur l'une des plus belles plages de l'ouest du Portugal. Decouvrez une opportunite d'investissement unique sur la magnifique Praia da Consolacao, a Peniche, a environ 45 minutes de Lisbonne ! Cette incroyable propriete offre une experience unique pour ceux qui aiment la plage et la proximite de la vie a la campagne. Vous aurez un acces facile a l'une des plus belles plages de la region, puisqu'elle se trouve a seulement 10 minutes a pied de la Praia da Consolacao. Profitez des longues journees de soleil, des activites nautiques et de la detente en bord de mer. En plus des plages de sable dore, vous aurez acces a une variete d'options de loisirs a proximite, notamment des restaurants, des bars, du surf, des sentiers, du golf, de l'equitation et bien plus encore. Vous pouvez egalement maximiser votre investissement avec la possibilite de louer la propriete ce qui constitue une excellente source de revenus. Cette propriete est situee sur l'avenue principale de Praia da Consolacao. Il s'agit d'un T2 original avec utilisation du dernier etage ou se trouve actuellement une suite, transformant la typologie en T3, reparti sur 3 etages. Au rez-de-chaussee, nous avons le salon, la cuisine, le cellier et les toilettes invites. En montant au premier etage, nous trouvons deux chambres avec placards, une salle de bain complete avec baignoire et un acces au grenier ou se trouve la suite. Il a egalement un acces direct a la terrasse de la copropriete par une porte dans la cuisine, avec deux espaces barbecue ou vous pourrez socialiser avec vos amis et votre famille. Par la terrasse vous accedez directement au garage de la propriete de 27 m2, dans un box. La propriete est vendue entierement meublee et equipee d'electromenagers et de television. C'est le moment ideal pour investir dans une maison de plage avec la possibilite de gagner un revenu, et chaque fois que vous souhaitez profiter de l'espace pour vous-meme. Pour plus dinformations et pour planifier une visite, contactez-nous des maintenant ! Investissez dans votre avenir, investissez a Praia da Consolacao, a Peniche ! Invest in a property on one of the most beautiful beaches in the west coast of Portugal Discover a unique investment opportunity on the stunning Praia da Consolacao, in Peniche, approximately 45 minutes from Lisbon! This incredible property offers a unique experience for those who enjoy the beach with proximity to country life. You will have easy access to one of the most stunning beaches in the region, as it is just a 10-minute walk from Praia da Consolacao. Enjoy long days of sunshine, water activities and relaxation by the sea. In addition to the golden sand beaches, you will have access to a variety of leisure options nearby, including restaurants, bars, surf, trails, golf, horse riding and much more. You can also maximize your investment by renting the property providing an excellent source of income. This property is located in a condominium located on the main avenue of Praia da Consolacao. It is an original T2 with use of the top floor where there is currently a suite, transforming the typology into T3, spread over 3 floors. On the entrance floor we have the living room, kitchen, pantry and guest bathroom. Going up to the first floor we find two bedrooms with closets, a complete bathroom with bathtub, and access to the attic where we find the suite. It also has direct access to the condominium's terrace through a door in the kitchen, with two barbecue areas where you can socialize with friends and family. Through the terrace you have direct access to the property's 27 m2 garage, in a box. The property is sold fully furnished and equipped with appliances and television. This is the perfect time to invest in a beach house with the possibility of earning an income, and whenever you want to enjoy the space for yourself. For more information and to schedule a visit, contact us right now! Invest in your future, invest in Praia da Consolacao, in Peniche! Investissez dans une propriete sur l'une des plus belles plages de l'ouest du Portugal. Decouvrez une opportunite d'investissement unique sur la magnifique Praia da Consolacao, a Peniche, a environ 45 minutes de Lisbonne ! Cette incroyable propriete offre une experience unique pour ceux qui aiment la plage et la proximite de la vie a la campagne. Vous aurez un acces facile a l'une des plus belles plages de la region, puisqu'elle se trouve a seulement 10 minutes a pied de la Praia da Consolacao. Profitez des longues journees de soleil, des activites nautiques et de la detente en bord de mer. En plus des plages de sable dore, vous aurez acces a une variete d'options de loisirs a proximite, notamment des restaurants, des bars, du surf, des sentiers, du golf, de l'equitation et bien plus encore. Vous pouvez egalement maximiser votre investissement en profitant de la licence d'hebergement locale dont dispose la propriete, avec la possibilite de louer la propriete a des touristes, ce qui constitue une excellente source de revenus. Cette propriete est situee sur l'avenue principale de Praia da Consolacao. Il s'agit d'un T2 original avec utilisation du dernier etage ou se trouve actuellement une suite, transformant la typologie en T3, reparti sur 3 etages. Au rez-de-chaussee, nous avons le salon, la cuisine, le cellier et les toilettes invites. En montant au premier etage, nous trouvons deux chambres avec placards, une salle de bain complete avec baignoire et un acces au grenier ou se trouve la suite. Il a egalement un acces direct a la terrasse de la copropriete par une porte dans la cuisine, avec deux espaces barbecue ou vous pourrez socialiser avec vos amis et votre famille. Par la terrasse vous accedez directement au garage de la propriete de 27 m2, dans un box. La propriete est vendue entierement meublee et equipee d'electromenagers et de television. C'est le moment ideal pour investir dans une maison de plage avec la possibilite de gagner un revenu, et chaque fois que vous souhaitez profiter de l'espace pour vous-meme. Ne manquez pas cette opportunite d'investir dans une propriete avec un permis d'hebergement local et a proximite de la plage. Pour plus dinformations et pour planifier une visite, contactez-nous des maintenant ! Investissez dans votre avenir, investissez a Praia da Consolacao, a Peniche !
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  • Área Útil 74m²
Gondomar, UDF De Fanzeres E Sao Pedro Da Cova
Terreno para construção em Fânzeres - Gondomar
375.000 €
Terreno localizado em Fanzeres Este terreno com 7226m2, composto por uma parte urbana (A) de 317m2, que contem uma ruina de 40m2, e uma parte rustica (B e C) de 6909m2. Viabilidade de investimento para construcao de moradias e terreno para cultivo. A: 45 000 B: 180 000 C: 150 000 Todas as fraccoes podem ser vendidas separadamente, e em caso de venda de alguma das partes, as fraccoes "B" e "C" serao posteriormente, antes de escritura, passadas para urbanas. Ajudamos em todo o processo de credito, somos especialistas neste tipo de operacoes adequando sempre as necessidades do cliente a melhor solucao do mercado, connosco conseguira sempre a melhor proposta de credito possivel para o seu investimento. Fanzeres 7226317A40909BC40 A: 45 000 B: 180 000 C: 150 000 () Land in Fanzeres Dieses Land mit 7226 m2 besteht aus einem stadtischen Teil (A) von 317 m2, der eine Ruine von 40 m2 enthalt, und einem rustikalen Teil (B und C) von 6909 m2. Durchfuhrbarkeit von Investitionen fur den Wohnungsbau und Anbauflachen. A: 45 000 B: 180 000 C: 150 000 Alle Fraktionen konnen separat verkauft werden, und im Falle des Verkaufs einer der Parteien werden die Fraktionen "B" und "C" spater vor der Urkunde in stadtische Gebiete ubertragen. Wir helfen im gesamten Kreditprozess, sind Spezialisten fur diese Art von Operationen und passen die Bedurfnisse des Kunden stets an die beste Losung auf dem Markt an. Mit uns erhalten Sie immer den bestmoglichen Kreditvorschlag fur Ihre Investition. (Google ubersetzen) Land located in Fanzeres This land with 7226m2, consisting of an urban part (A) of 317m2, which contains a ruin of 40m2, and a rustic part (B and C) of 6909m2. Feasibility of investment for housing construction and land for cultivation. A: 45 000 B: 180 000 C: 150 000 All fractions can be sold separately, and in case of sale of any of the parties, fractions "B" and "C" will later be transferred to urban areas, before deed. We help throughout the credit process, we are specialists in this type of operations, always adapting the client's needs to the best solution on the market, with us you will always get the best possible credit proposal for your investment. Terrain situe a Fanzeres Ce terrain avec 7226m2, compose d'une partie urbaine (A) de 317m2, qui contient une ruine de 40m2, et une partie rustique (B et C) de 6909m2. Faisabilite des investissements pour la construction de logements et des terres a cultiver. A: 45 000 B: 180 000 C: 150 000 Toutes les fractions peuvent etre vendues separement, et en cas de vente de l'une des parties, les fractions "B" et "C" seront ensuite transferees aux zones urbaines avant l'acte. Nous aidons tout au long du processus de credit, nous sommes specialistes de ce type d'operations, adaptant toujours les besoins du client a la meilleure solution du marche, avec nous vous obtiendrez toujours la meilleure proposition de credit possible pour votre investissement. (Google Translate) Terreno ubicado en Fanzeres Este terreno con 7226m2, que consta de una parte urbana (A) de 317m2, que contiene una ruina de 40m2, y una parte rustica (B y C) de 6909m2. Viabilidad de la inversion para la construccion de viviendas y terrenos para el cultivo. A: 45 000 B: 180 000 C: 150 000 Todas las fracciones se pueden vender por separado, y en caso de venta de cualquiera de las partes, las fracciones "B" y "C" se transferiran mas tarde a las areas urbanas antes de la escritura. Ayudamos en todo el proceso de credito, somos especialistas en este tipo de operaciones, siempre adaptando las necesidades del cliente a la mejor solucion del mercado, con nosotros siempre obtendra la mejor propuesta de credito posible para su inversion.
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  • Área Útil 7.226m²
Lisboa, Ajuda
Terreno em Ajuda - Lisboa
3.000.000 €
Terreno para construcao - Ajuda - Polo Universitario Terreno em excelente localizacao, junto ao Polo Universitario da Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, com uma configuracao de 22m de profundidade e 55m de largura utilizavel. Area previsivel de construcao estimada em 4.125m2, com a possibilidade de construcao de 42 fogos, tipologias T2/T3 com areas brutas de aproximadamente de 100m2 cada. Marque ja a sua visita! Land for construction - Ajuda - University Campus Land in excellent location, next to the University Pole of the Technical University of Lisbon, with a configuration of 22m depth and 55m usable width. Predictable construction area estimated at 4.125m2, with the possibility of construction of 42 homes, typologies T2 / T3 with gross areas of approximately 100m2 each. Book now your visit! Bauland - Ajuda - Universitatscampus Land in hervorragender Lage, neben dem Universitatspol der Technischen Universitat von Lissabon, mit einer Konfiguration von 22 m Tiefe und 55 m nutzbarer Breite. Vorhersehbare Bauflache mit geschatzten 4,125 m, mit der Moglichkeit des Baus von 42 Hausern, Typologien T2 / T3 mit Bruttoflachen von jeweils etwa 100 m. Uberprufen Sie jetzt Ihren Besuch! (Google Ubersetzen) Land for construction - Ajuda - University Campus Land in excellent location, next to the University Pole of the Technical University of Lisbon, with a configuration of 22m depth and 55m usable width. Predictable construction area estimated at 4.125m2, with the possibility of construction of 42 homes, typologies T2 / T3 with gross areas of approximately 100m2 each. Book now your visit! Terrain pour construction - Ajuda - University Campus Atterrir dans un excellent emplacement, a cote du pole universitaire de l'Universite technique de Lisbonne, avec une configuration de 22 m de profondeur et 55 m de largeur utile. Surface de construction previsible estimee a 4.125m2, avec possibilite de construction de 42 logements, typologies T2 / T3 de surfaces brutes denviron 100m2 chacune. Verifiez votre visite maintenant! (google traduction) Terreno para la construccion - Ajuda - Polo Universitario Terrenos en excelente ubicacion, cerca del campus universitario de la Universidad Tecnica de Lisboa, con una configuracion de 22 metros de profundidad y 55 m de anchura util. Area previsible de construccion estimada en 4.125m2, con la posibilidad de construccion de 42 fuegos, tipologias T2 / T3 con areas brutas de aproximadamente de 100m2 cada una. Compruebe ahora su visita!
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  • Área Útil 4.125m²


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