DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES is a national network whose stores provide a personalized and independent advice service, to individuals and companies, with 360º Solutions in terms of the purchase, sale and lease of real estate, as well as in terms of credit intermediation, insurance, remodeling and construction of houses.
DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES is a brand that is a part of Grupo DS, founded in 2003, which currently has over 500 stores, 4.500 employees and 500.000 clients nationwide. It is the first Grupo DS brand, having been also established in 2003. Today it is the largest Real Estate Consulting, Credit Intermediation and Insurance Mediation network operating in Portugal. We currently have a network of more than 120 stores nationwide, more than 1.500 employees and more than 400.000 customers distributed throughout the country.

DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES guarantees its clients solidity, trust and credibility
DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES has a privileged relationship with the main Banking, Financial and Insurance Institutions in the country, always aiming to defend the interests of its clients.
DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – MEDIAÇÃO IMOBILIÁRIA, LDA, AMI License nº. 9300 | DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – INTERMEDIÁRIOS DE CRÉDITO, LDA, Tied Credit Intermediary, with registration nº. 0000926, authorized by the Banco de Portugal to provide consulting services and authorized to provide credit intermediation services (Presentation or proposal of credit contracts to consumers; Assistance to consumers, through the performance of preparatory acts or other pre-contractual management work regarding credit contracts that have not been presented or proposed by it).
Covered credit contracts: Housing Credit and Consumer Credit. Lenders or groups of lenders with whom it has a tying agreement: BANCO SANTANDER TOTTA, S.A., UNICRE – INSTITUIÇÃO FINANCEIRA DE CRÉDITO, S.A., BANCO BPI S.A., NOVO BANCO, S.A., BNP PARIBAS PERSONAL FINANCE, S.A. – BRANCH IN PORTUGAL, MONTEPIO CRÉDITO – INSTITUIÇÃO FINANCEIRA DE CRÉDITO, S.A., BANKINTER, SA – BRANCH IN PORTUGAL, verifiable information at https://www.bportugal.pt/intermediariocreditofar… – DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – INTERMEDIÁRIOS DE CRÉDITO, LDA is registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority, with the category of Insurance Agent, under nº. 409311648/3, authorized for Life and Non-Life branches, verifiable at https://www.asf.com.pt. The insurance mediator does not assume the coverage of risks, does not have the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of insurers, and is not authorized to receive premiums to be delivered to insurers.