Agentes decisões e soluções

DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS: 2023 was the best year ever!

In 2023, DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES experienced remarkable growth and affirmation, solidifying its position as a leading company. The impressive results speak for themselves. Indeed, last year was our best year ever. We are the largest network of real estate consulting, insurance mediation, and credit intermediation in Portugal. With stores spread across the country, we continue to grow in various metrics: revenue, policies, stores, and employees

What our leadership says

These are the words of Guida Sousa, National Coordinating Director of the DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES Network (which is part of the DS Group): “The DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES network is to be congratulated on the results achieved in 2023, it grew in number of clients, employees and turnover. We thank all our employees and partners for their tireless contribution.”

This sentiment is echoed by Paulo Abrantes, Founder and Managing Director of the DS Group and the DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES Network: “In 2023, we celebrated our 20th anniversary and the DS Group achieved its best ever results in all its areas of activity. Today, the DS Group has more than 530 stores, nearly 5,000 employees and more than 600,000 customers nationwide.”

Highlights of a remarkable year for DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES

The balance sheet for 2023 includes the signing of contracts to open 20 new stores and the hiring of 500 more employees.

It is also worth highlighting that we launched our official anthem, which was produced in collaboration with the singer Tony Carreira, and we reinforced our social mission as a patron of the Sara Carreira Association.

Statistics in the 4 areas of activity

1. Real Estate

  • The sale value of real estate exceeded 260 million euros.
  • The average value of properties sold grew by 9.8% to 174,900 euros
  • The average rental value of real estate increased by 14.8% to 860 euros.

2. Construction Mediation

  • The average values for each project and each construction were 152,910 and 246,543 euros, respectively.

3. Credit intermediation

  • The DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS network grew by 7% in this area.
  • The average values for each mortgage and each personal loan reached 129,350 and 18,115 euros, respectively.

4. Insurance mediation

  • DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES’ turnover in this area increased by 27%.
  • There was a 21% increase in the issuance of new policies.
  • As for specific lines of business, there was a 20% jump in life insurance (6,000 new policies), 23% in health insurance and 27% in auto insurance (4,000 new policies)..

According to Luís Tavares, National Coordinating Director of the DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES Insurance Network, “this growth is a reflection of the trust that families and companies place in our work. Every day we work to provide the best conditions on the market, with the best cover, at the best prices.”

DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS objectives for 2024

Always ambitious, dedicated, and  entrepreneurial, our network aims to achieve a revenue of 30 million euros and have 140 stores open across the country in 2024.

According to Guida Sousa, “we believe that the focus and determination that characterize us will contribute to 2024 being a year of great growth in all our areas of operation.”

Be part of this unique network, the largest in Portugal in its sector!

The scale and results of the DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES network make it clear that investing in your own business with us is a highly profitable decision, focused on the future and rewarding on all levels.

Transform your life into what you’ve dreamed of, join a leading brand, receive continuous training, and achieve success. We have an entire structure prepared for you, so you can take the next steps without fear.

Download the ebook “5 Good Reasons to Invest in DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES” today and learn how to elevate your career to the level you deserve!


DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – MEDIAÇÃO IMOBILIÁRIA, LDA, AMI license no. 9300 | DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – INTERMEDIÁRIOS DE CRÉDITO, LDA, Tied Credit Intermediary, registered under no. 0000926, authorized by the Bank of Portugal to provide consulting services and authorized to provide credit intermediation services (Presentation or proposal of credit agreements to consumers; Assistance to consumers by performing preparatory acts or other pre-contractual management work regarding credit agreements not presented or proposed by the intermediary). Covered credit contracts: Mortgage Credit and Consumer Credit. Lenders or groups of lenders with which it has a binding contract: BANCO SANTANDER TOTTA, S.A., BANCO BPI S.A., NOVO BANCO, S.A., BANKINTER, S.A. – PORTUGAL BRANCH, UNICRE – INSTITUIÇÃO FINANCEIRA DE CRÉDITO, S.A., MONTEPIO CRÉDITO – INSTITUIÇÃO FINANCEIRA DE CRÉDITO, S.A., BNP PARIBAS PERSONAL FINANCE, S.A. – PORTUGAL BRANCH, verifiable at | DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – INTERMEDIÁRIOS DE CRÉDITO, LDA is registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority, as an Insurance Agent, under no. 409311648/3, authorized for Life and Non-Life Insurance, verifiable at The insurance intermediary does not assume risk coverage, does not have the power to enter into contracts on behalf of insurers, and is not authorized to receive premiums to be delivered to insurers.