In the event of a dispute, the consumer can resort to an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity:
National Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration Center (CNIACC).
Tel. 213 847 484 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. cniacc@unl.pt
Center for Information, Mediation and Arbitration of consumer disputes in the Algarve (CIMAAL).
Tel. 289 823 135 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. support@consumidoronline.pt
Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center of the District of Coimbra (CACCDC).
Tel. 239 821 690 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. geral@centrodearbitragemdecoimbra.com
Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center (ACC).
Tel. 218 807 030 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. juridico@centroarbitragemlisboa.pt
Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Center (CICAP).
Tel. 225 083 49 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. cicap@mail.telepac.pt
Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center of Vale do Ave (CACCVA).
Tel. 253 422 410 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. triave@gmail.com
Braga Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (CIAB).
Tel. 253 617 604 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. geral@ciab.pt
Viana Castelo Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (CIAB).
Tel. 258 809 335 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. ciab.viana@cm-viana-castelo.pt
Madeira Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center (CACCM).
Tel. 291 750 330 (Call to the national landline network)
Email. centroarbitragem.srias@madeira.gov.pt
More information on the Consumer Portal www.consumidor.pt.