
Credit manager: 5 reasons to accept the challenge

The role of the credit manager has gained greater importance in our society. For this reason, this is an increasingly sought after career option. In this article, we explain the reasons that make this activity so attractive.


1.  Financial product in high demand

Today, many steps in our lives depend on financing from banks. Proof of this fact are the numbers from Banco de Portugal regarding housing credit. According to the highest banking authority, in February 2022 alone, 97,462.6 million euros were allocated to Portuguese families to buy a house. This is, in fact, the highest value in the last six years.

If you want to get a loan for your home from these entities, the credit manager is the professional to help you. For this reason, this is a job whose demand has no end in sight, with guarantees that there will always be an available market.


2. Manage a diversified client portfolio

Another reason that leads many professionals to enter the career of credit manager is the possibility of interacting with various types of clients. They can be private or companies, but, with their particularities, they make the resolution of each request very stimulating.


3. Constant challenge to find the best credit solutions

One of the main functions of the credit manager is to find the best financial solutions for each client. These must be in accordance with each person’s needs, which can often prove to be a challenge. To guarantee the highest possible business volume, a high capacity for negotiation with customers and banking institutions will be necessary.


4. Possibility of specialization in different areas

There are two main areas in credit intermediation: housing b> and consumption. In this sense, when choosing a career as a credit manager, you can choose specialization in one of them. By getting to know a certain type of financial product better, you will be able to have greater control over the topic. This way, you will be able to make the most of your time and complete more contracts.

Furthermore, in certain situations, you can even obtain special conditions from financial institutions, due to permanent contact.


5. Above average salary

When you start working as a credit manager, you are entering a career that can have aremunerationhigher than the market average. In addition to receiving a base income, you earn commissionsaccording to your performance. In other words, the more contracts you manage to sign, the more you receive at the end of the month. Your success reverses in financial return, something that It doesn’t happen in other professions.


6 Tips for being successful as a credit manager

We want you to be the best professional possible. To do this, we leave you with 6 characteristics of a successful credit manager:

1. Rigor and good organization to manage a client portfolio diverse;

2. Ability to establish priorities, according to the importance of processes and relevance of customers;

3. Good communication and argumentation skills. This is a profession that requires a good deal of negotiation;

4. In-depth knowledge of the financial products it sells. This way, you will be able to effectively present the best proposals to potential customers;

5. Good knowledge in the banking area helps you to be a more competent professional, who understands the specificities of the business;

6. Ability to decipher customer objectives and thus present the products that best suit each case.


Is it time to look for a new career?

Recently, have you not felt satisfied or fulfilled professionally? Then perhaps this is your opportunity to switch to a challenging and successful career.

At DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES we are looking for professionals who want to stand out in credit management. If this is your case, get in touch with us through form. Join our team of experts!


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Decisões e Soluções – Credit Intermediaries, Lda, registered with the Bank of Portugal, as a Linked Credit Intermediary, under no. 926, verifiable at -credito is a mediator registered with the ASF, since 29 September 2009, with the category of Insurance Agent, under no. 409311648/3, with authorization for Life and Non-Life, verifiable at The insurance intermediary does not assume risk coverage. Decisions and Solutions – Mediação Imobiliária, Lda, holder of AMI License No. 9300 issued by IMPIC, I.P.