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DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES: We can help you apply for a loan!

Are you thinking about applying for a loan to buy your dream home, a car or for your own project? In order to find the best solutions for you, choose the advisory service from a intermediary credit can help you save. Discover 6 reasons to turn to the DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS network.

1. Request a loan with better conditions

One of the main advantages of applying for a loan with the support of a DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS store is the possibility of obtaining the conditions that best suit your case.

Due to the fact that they have privileged contact with several banking institutions, our professionals are qualified to lead the process with greater negotiating power.


2. Ability to speed up the process

With the help of the DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS network, you may be able to shorten the time it takes to validate a loan. Thanks to the work of our professionals, you will be able to evaluate information from different financial entities, without having to schedule meetings with all of them.

We will only ask you for the data necessary to bring together the different proposals. Having presented the pros and cons of each one, you can ask all the questions in order to clarify your doubts before opting for the best one credit solution for you. Once you have made your choice, simply proceed with the credit granting process.


3. Personalized solutions for your financial reality

When deciding to apply for a loan, it is important to do so according to our financial reality. You need to know how to measure the effort rate  to find a solution that does not burden the monthly budget.

With the help of the DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES network you will have more technical and specialized support to find the best solution for you. All of this is based on your financial conditions and personal expectations.


4. Monitoring throughout the entire process

The process of applying for a loan goes through different phases and doubts may always arise during each one. By being accompanied by a specialized professional, you will have the free necessary support to help you choose and prepare the contracting process. You will have answers to all your questions, so you can get the solution that meets what you are looking for.


5. Transparency

As expected, the DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES network is an entity registered with Banco de Portugal. In order to guarantee the trust of all consumers, credit intermediaries carrying out legal activities in Portugal are subject to strict supervision by the regulator. It is this entity that grants activity authorization and that supervises the total transparency and seriousness of the process.


6. Free service

Perhaps you are thinking that accessing a service as personalized as that of a credit intermediary has quite high associated costs. Don’t be fooled, because on the network DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS we offer a free service in the area of credit intermediation.


DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS: Contact us when requesting a loan

Are you considering applying for a loan and want to ensure that you find the most advantageous solution for you? In the DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS network we provide clients, whether individuals or companies, with a free advice  in all types of bank credit operations. But above all, personalized and independent.

We have a team prepared to accompany you throughout the process. Visit one of the more than 100 stores spread across the country or contact us.


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Decisions and Solutions – Credit Intermediaries, Lda, registered with the Bank of Portugal, as a Linked Credit Intermediary, under no. 926, verifiable at -credito is a mediator registered with the ASF, since 29 September 2009, with the category of Insurance Agent, under no. 409311648/3, with authorization for Life and Non-Life, verifiable at The insurance intermediary does not assume risk coverage. Decisions and Solutions – Mediação Imobiliária, Lda, holder of AMI License No. 9300 issued by IMPIC, I.P.