Intermediário de crédito autorizado

Choose an authorized and reliable credit intermediary!

When you seek assistance to obtain credit solutions, it is natural to demand the highest level of professionalism and security. You should always ensure that you are in contact with an authorized credit intermediary to avoid falling into the trap of illegal activity.

The authority responsible for regulating credit intermediation is the Bank of Portugal. It has been reinforcing measures to combat non-compliance with the requirements to carry out this activity.

Next, find out more about what a credit intermediary is and how it is regulated. You’ll also find out how DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES provides you with fully legal, secure and reliable services.

What does an authorized credit intermediary do?

As the name suggests, the intermediary is not the party that grants the credit but rather serves as a bridge between customers and financing entities. It also does not offer other financial products or services, acting exclusively in matters of credit.

In simple terms, a credit intermediary authorized by the Bank of Portugal is a person or group that can provide one or more of the following services to consumers:

– Presenting credit solutions from partner entities; – Supporting clients in their preparations for the credit agreement; – Concluding credit agreements on behalf of the issuer; – Giving advice and making recommendations.

How does the Bank of Portugal regulate credit intermediation?

Only those who are credit intermediaries authorized by the Bank of Portugal are free to perform their work. The regulator revokes the authorization and cancels the registration of credit intermediaries who do not meet the criteria for accessing the activity.

The requirements that must be met at all times include, among others:

– Possess a commercial and administrative organization suitable for the activity;
– Have proven knowledge and skills in the field of credit;
– Have integrity, meaning the conditions and qualifications for practicing intermediation;
– Ensure civil liability towards third parties that may arise from the exercise of the activity;
– Maintain the link to lenders, that is, the entities that provide the credit.

Additionally, the credit intermediary must notify the Bank of Portugal whenever there are changes in the professional domicile address, registered office, or open establishments, as well as in the identity of partners, lenders, or elements of the civil liability policy.


DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES is registered with the Bank of Portugal as a Tied Credit Intermediary, under no. 926. On the website, you can find all the information regarding the registration, as well as the advisory areas and the lenders with whom it has partnerships.

In addition, each of the stores throughout the country is licensed, autonomously and independently, to act as an authorized credit intermediary. Como tal, presta aos clientes um serviço de excelência, gratuito e totalmente personalizado em diversos tipos de operações de crédito.

To avoid headaches and ensure reliable information, expert help, and legal procedures, visit a DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES store to obtain the credit that will allow you to achieve your dreams!

Which is the nearest DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES store to me?

DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – MEDIAÇÃO IMOBILIÁRIA, LDA, AMI license no. 9300 | DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – INTERMEDIÁRIOS DE CRÉDITO, LDA, Tied Credit Intermediary, registered under no. 0000926, authorized by the Bank of Portugal to provide consulting services and authorized to provide credit intermediation services (Presentation or proposal of credit agreements to consumers; Assistance to consumers by performing preparatory acts or other pre-contractual management work regarding credit agreements not presented or proposed by the intermediary). Covered credit contracts: Mortgage Credit and Consumer Credit. Lenders or groups of lenders with which it has a binding contract: BANCO SANTANDER TOTTA, S.A., BANCO BPI S.A., NOVO BANCO, S.A., BANKINTER, S.A. – PORTUGAL BRANCH, UNICRE – INSTITUIÇÃO FINANCEIRA DE CRÉDITO, S.A., MONTEPIO CRÉDITO – INSTITUIÇÃO FINANCEIRA DE CRÉDITO, S.A., BNP PARIBAS PERSONAL FINANCE, S.A. – PORTUGAL BRANCH, verifiable at | DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES – INTERMEDIÁRIOS DE CRÉDITO, LDA is registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority, as an Insurance Agent, under no. 409311648/3, authorized for Life and Non-Life Insurance, verifiable at The insurance intermediary does not assume risk coverage, does not have the power to enter into contracts on behalf of insurers, and is not authorized to receive premiums to be delivered to insurers.